
Where kids connect with Christ
Kidzone Times
Sunday | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Wednesday | 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Sunday | 9:30am - 11:00am
Mon - Fri | 9:00am - 12:00pm
All kids are checked in at the check-in window and picked up by the parent/guardian that checked them in.
Kidzone Bible Study
Kidzone Sunday mornings are a time for bed babies through 5th grade to be nurtured in a safe, caring, scripture-focused environment. Our curriculum is deliberately gospel-centered, and each month we take intentional steps to bring age-appropriate "Bible Truths" for remembering.
Kidzone Worship
Kidzone Worship is our extended Kidzone for grade school kids (through 5th grade). The worship experience follows up on their focus in Kidzone Bible Study with singing and an emphasis on how God's Word brings all who believe to "Connect with Christ Jesus."
The first Sunday of each month is Family-Worship Sunday, there isn't Kidzone Worship on this Sunday to give all families a time to worship together in the worship center.
Kidzone Worship Junior
Kidzone Worship Junior is our extended Kidzone for our preschoolers. It is during this time while Mom and Dad are worshiping in the worship center, their preschoolers are worshiping and praising God on their level.
Kidzone Truth Trackers
Truth Trackers is our mid-week children's ministry with God-centered
materials that teach doctrinal truth through Scripture memory, daily devotions, and weekly lessons.
Truth Trackers is a family-oriented ministry. Parents participate with their children throughout the week with their Truth Tracker Journal.

Check out the Truth Tracker curriculum for elementary and preschool